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Why To Start World Greatest Record

World Greatest Record of Record is an International organization

Becoming a nomination office of world records books can offer several benefits:

  • ✅ Prestige and Recognition: Serving as a nomination office for world records books provides prestige and recognition within the community and industry.
  • ✅ Authority in Record-Keeping: Being associated with world records books positions you as an authority in record-keeping and validates your expertise in tracking and verifying achievements.
  • ✅ Media Attention: World records often attract media attention. As a nomination office, you may receive media coverage, boosting your visibility and promoting your brand or organization.
  • ✅ Community Engagement: Serving as a nomination office allows you to engage with the community and support individuals who are striving to achieve extraordinary feats, fostering a sense of community pride and involvement.
  • ✅ Collaboration Opportunities: You may have the chance to collaborate with other organizations, sponsors, or partners involved in world records, leading to potential partnerships and collaborative projects.
  • ✅ Revenue Streams: Some nomination offices charge fees for record verification or certification, creating potential revenue streams for your organization.
  • ✅ Encouraging Excellence: By recognizing and celebrating remarkable achievements through world records, you can inspire individuals and organizations to strive for excellence and push their limits.

Start World Greatest Record
15,000 Rs/-


Some Words About Company

World Greatest Record of Record is an organization that catalogs and verifies extraordinary records across the world with authentic certification. It is a paramount international organization inspiring people to showcase their talents. It encourages people to break or set new records at global level. Besides, it invites individuals, significant institutions and places of unique interest across the world to be recorded. It also honors and lists the unique achievements of individuals, places and organizations. It has become the prominent organizations in the global scenario. The organization promotes record making and it invites everyone and anyone, in any part of the world to make their dreams, achievement a record-breaking a reality.
Its primary objective is to publish market, and publicize world records in both physical and eBook formats. Apart from its core categories, World Greatest Record of Record is committed to publish books in general including religion, spirituality, science and technology, health and healing, environment and social change.

World Greatest Record of Record is a pioneering entity and registered in India to promote the cause of recognition of record breaking or setting new records by an individual or organizations. It also authenticates recognition as honor, listing places and organizations for their unique identities. It also does CSR activities across the world with international brands.




  • ✅ TAXWAY इनकम टैक्स डिपार्टमेंट द्वारा एप्रूव्ड एक कर सलाहकार कंपनी है
  • ✅ TAXWAY भारत की सबसे बड़ी कर सलाहकार कम्पनी है
  • ✅ TAXWAY की पुरे भारत में 15000 से भी अधिक ब्रांच वर्तमान में कार्यरत है
  • ✅ TAXWAY को ISIN (International Securities Identification Number) मिला हुआ है
  • ✅ TAXWAY एक वर्ल्ड रिकॉर्ड से सम्मानित संस्था है
  • ✅ TAXWAY ना सिर्फ टैक्स बल्कि और भी 20 तरह के अलग-अलग बिज़नेस (Taxation, Capital, Media, Publication & Print, Education, IT, Grooming & Wellness, Business Consultant, Club & Literature, Retail, Food & Resort) में डील करती है
  • ✅ Mutual Fund National Associate Firm है
  • ✅ National PAN Card Distributor Company है
  • ✅ Income Tax & GST Software Manufacturing Company है
  • ✅ TAXWAY कंपनी 300+ Services Product में Deal करती है
  • ✅ TAXWAY GROUP की भारत से बाहर दुबई, सऊदी अरब, अमेरिका, जर्मनी, स्वीडन एवं कनाडा में भी Franchise है
  • ✅ दैनिक भास्कर के Pride of Rajasthan Award से सम्मानित है
  • ✅ Entrepreneur of the year 2021 से सम्मानित है
  • ✅ Taxway College Foundation (Jaipur National University JNU), Jaipur Engineering College & Research Center (JECRC) से अधिकृत है


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2. About Taxway Group
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6. Group testimonial
7(A) Group use video (TAXWAY GROUP INTERRIOR)
7(B) Group use video (SHIVAJI SATAM)
7(C) Group use video (100 CR SE JYADA KA BUSINESS KAISE KIYA)
7(D) Group use video (GEMS SPEECH BY CEO SIR)
7(F) Group use video (15 YEARS TAXWAY JOURNEY)
8.(A) Group useful news link (ABOUT TAXWAY)
8.(B) Group useful news link (ABOUT CEO)
8.(C) Group useful news link (About award)